# globモジュールをインポートする
import glob
# 出力ファイルのパスと名前を指定
outputdata = "C:\\temp\\ps_merge_all.shp"
# ワイルドカードを使用して入力データリストを指定
files = glob.glob('C:\\temp\\*.shp')
# Process: マージ (Merge)
arcpy.Merge_management(files, outputdata)
# Set the necessary product code
# import arcinfo
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# 必要なエクステンションの指定
# 河口のポイントデータ(test_shisetsu)とネットワークデータセット(test02_ND)を指定する
# Local variables:
test_shisetsu = "C:\\temp\\test.mdb\\test_shisetsu"
test02_ND = "C\\temp\\test.mdb\\test02\\test02_ND"
# ワークスペースの指定
tempWorkspace = "C:\\temp\\temp"
outputWorkspace = "C:\\temp\\fin"
for x in range(1000, 101000, 1000): #変数の宣言 fc = "reach" + str(x)[:-3] mkyori = str(x) line_l = "reach" + str(x)[:-3] + "\\ライン" output1 = tempWorkspace + "\\p_" + str(x)[:-3] + ".shp" layer1 = str(x)[:-3] + "L" formula1 = "\"ToCumul_k\" =" + str(x) output2 = outputWorkspace + "\\ps_" + str(x)[:-3] + ".shp" # Process: 到達圏レイヤの作成 (Make Service Area Layer) arcpy.MakeServiceAreaLayer_na(test02_ND, fc, "k", "TRAVEL_FROM", mkyori, "NO_POLYS", "NO_MERGE", "RINGS", "TRUE_LINES", "OVERLAP", "NO_SPLIT", "", "k", "ALLOW_UTURNS", "", "TRIM_POLYS", "100 Meters", "NO_LINES_SOURCE_FIELDS") # Process: ロケーションの追加 (Add Locations) arcpy.AddLocations_na(fc, "施設", test_shisetsu, "Name # #;CurbApproach # 0;Attr_k # 0;Breaks_k # #", "5000 Meters", "", "a SHAPE;test02_ND_Junctions NONE", "MATCH_TO_CLOSEST", "APPEND", "NO_SNAP", "5 Meters", "INCLUDE", "a #;test02_ND_Junctions #") # Process: 解析の実行 (Solve) arcpy.Solve_na(fc, "SKIP", "TERMINATE") # Process: フィーチャの頂点 → ポイント (Feature Vertices To Points) arcpy.FeatureVerticesToPoints_management(line_l, output1, "DANGLE") # Process: フィーチャ レイヤの作成 (Make Feature Layer) arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(output1, layer1, formula1, "", "FID FID VISIBLE NONE;Shape Shape VISIBLE NONE;FacilityID FacilityID VISIBLE NONE;FromCumul_ FromCumul_ VISIBLE NONE;ToCumul_k ToCumul_k VISIBLE NONE;ORIG_FID ORIG_FID VISIBLE NONE;DANGLE_LEN DANGLE_LEN VISIBLE NONE") # Process: フィーチャのコピー (Copy Features) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(layer1, output2, "", "0", "0", "0") print mkyori
print "error"