Valuation of the company's assets
When discussing the largest companies, it is important to evaluate their assets. Some established public and private companies make modest sums of money and some make a lot of profit because they can maintain and support their functioning over long periods of time. Such companies will sooner or later become financial giants ready to influence not only the people involved in their creation, but also entire nations and countries around the world.
This is especially true for financial institutions such as commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, investment companies, savings and credit unions, and credit unions. The roles of these institutions can vary depending on the purpose for which their services are used. For example, some are suitable for investments such as time deposits, others for registering credit cards or taking out loans, etc. However, because they exist as parts of a larger financial system, they have international influence on a global scale and rank can be very high and larger Have purpose in the entire global economy.
The largest banks in China Chinese banks can meet these criteria as they play one of the major roles in the world economy today. China's financial institutions are creating ever more capital that offers the best return, is efficiently allocated and remains profitable over a longer period of time. In other words, this country's banks keep the world economy going.
In terms of total assets, there are the four largest financial institutions in China. Called the Big Four, they serve over 300 million customers around the world with 200 to 15,000 domestic offices and more than 3,000 operating locations across the country, while also having offices in other major capitals such as London, Tokyo, New York, Frankfurt, Seoul , Sydney, San Francisco, Singapore, Taipei and other internationally known cities.
The most powerful banking institution in China nowadays is considered to be the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). It has assets of more than three and a half trillion dollars. The other banks of China included on the list of the Big Four are state-owned commercial banks: China Construction Bank, Bank of China, and Agricultural Bank of China. Forbes mentioned these three institutions as the world's most influential companies in 2015. They dominated the list with 317 other companies which are considered to be 15% of the largest companies worldwide.
China Construction Bank operates in three business segments: treasury operations, personal banking and corporate banking, serving over 340 million corporate and retail customers. Country's government owns 58% of this bank which had assets of CNY 20.5 trillion.
Agricultural Bank of China is considered to be the largest in the country taking into account the amount of total assets based on market capitalization, offering personal banking, wealth management, credit card and foreign exchange services to more than 300 million customers. It was founded in 1951.
Bank of China is even older than the previous bank established in 1912 by the Government, now being world's 9th largest bank by market capitalization. It offers such services as insurance, investment and commercial banking.