Thanks for all the food for thought!

I can relate. Children (whether grown or not quite) present an issue of handling things differently. Friends and family members likely don't understand, especially if your friends or family are struggling to maintain what is an "equal" relationship. Someone sees you "cater" to your husband, or him exert an authoritative statement, and suddenly you could find yourself defending even the most harmless of things.

Disconnected feelings are awful, it's like one of those carnival games, where the duck gets shot and turns the other direction until it gets hit again and then goes back. Taken in Hand is not the easiest of lifestyles nowadays to publically profess. It's as if, finally, when you settle into a certain life, and find some remote coziness to it, then, the outside elements come along, and it gets disrupted because you have to "pretend to be" someone you are not. It can be more subtle, as someone mentioned. The physical can wait, it isn't the only thrill we (hopefully) get from our lives, but a gesture, a word, a look, can say so much and communicate a lot.

What I don't understand is why, under any circumstances, in any place, around any people, why sometimes (or often) couples whom ordinarily at least kiss each other goodnight, stop doing that. Being exceptionally tired for a night or two is one thing, but every night, when you are away from home, to not kiss and touch at all, that is uncomfortable, disconnecting and downright unpleasant. Certainly nobody's family and friends would begrudge (I hope) a couple's private life to that extent, and honestly, how loud is it really to snuggle up close to the one you love and be grateful for their arms around you and a reassuring kiss that lets you know, regardless of what tomorrow brings with the others, you are safe, and loved, and understood.

Personally, I can't think of anything better in a stressful time. I'm not saying I have it, I simply think it would be nice, and I think it is attainable.

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Last-modified: 2021-12-25 (土) 00:24:17 (861d)