the feeling does not go away, but I am still able to check my attitude and not say something mean and inappropriate. I can then say, "I'm sorry but I feel really frustrated (or worried or angry or whatever) because of AB and C." And then we can talk about it in a productive way.

Being alone forces me to approach more because otherwise I look like a tool. With friends I can sit back and just socialize with them. I think an entourage does help you from coming off as needy and gives you some social proof.

Reply culdcept July 27, 2010 at 10:17 am Its good not putting so much stock in numbers, but should try the strategy of walking away without one and seeing if the girl offers. If she doesn’t, just ask her. This is covered well in Bang. Yes, most numbers will flake, but no numbers can’t really get you anything either.

At least it sounds like you truly have your approaching and building interest down. The ‘I have a boyfriend girl’ was definitely out to test herself to make sure she’s stilling getting attention. Don’t waste too much time feeding those.

Reply July 27, 2010 at 3:13 pm don’t hate on the numbers. even if 90% flake- 10% will come through- at some point.

just mass text all of them when you are bored and invite them over.

picture this you have 100 numbers all flakes. you text them here and there, but you never meet any of them, one month later you text all of them and invite them to come over for wine and pasta.

one out of 100 will say yes- she will come over and you will fuck her. think of all those flake numbers as a scratch off lottery ticket. low odds, but when they hit, you score.

don’t throw away all of those numbers. there is a system. text in two weeks, then 6 weeks, then 12 weeks. some of these flakes will meet you even after months of ignoring you- believe it.

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